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Fizio Aktiv
30. May 2019.

Prevention of misbehavior in children

The modern way of life of children, both preschool and school age, is characterized by less and less physical activity and longer periods of sitting in front of the TV or computer. Such an increasingly common way of life does not contribute to the preservation of good and proper posture in this sensitive period of life, which is characterized by intensive growth and development. In a longer period of time, reduced physical activity leads not only to disorders of postural status, but also to the development of various forms and degrees of deformity of the bone and joint system. The critical period of the organism’s development in which the organism is exposed to a special load is the seventh year of life, which is equated with the child’s going to school and receiving new physical loads, which are the obligation to sit longer, write homework often in incorrect positions, carry heavy school bags.

Spinal deformities

The results of systematic examinations of children in primary and secondary schools show that spinal deformities are increasing from year to year. The musculoskeletal system of developing children under the influence of internal and external factors is subject to deformations. Heredity and bad posture habits, too heavy school bags, short-sightedness, inadequate school desks and chairs, insufficient physical activity lead to disturbed spinal statics, which results in kyphosis, scoliosis and lordosis. The sudden growth of children at puberty adversely affects the development of already present deformities. The main reasons for poor posture are, as a rule, shortening of muscle groups (hip flexor) and weakness of muscle groups (abdominal muscles and buttocks).

In industrialized countries, as many as 80% of children have shortening of the m.iliopsoas, in addition, shortening of the anterior group of thigh muscles was found in 10% of children. In 45% of the observed children, deviations in the values ​​of the postural index were recorded, which is most often caused by the weakness of the abdominal muscles.


Skolioza -curvature Represents the curvature of the spine to the side. The main causes of scoliosis are disproportionate, ie. shortened and weak muscles on one side of the spine and overall weakness of the back muscles that support the spine. There are many causes of scoliosis, many are not even known, but those that are, are: neuromuscular conditions, and they can affect nerves and muscles and include cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, disproportionate leg length.







How to detect scoliosis?

Skolioza-iskrivljenost It is best for the child to be without clothes, 1-2 meters in front, with his back turned. and the blade on that side is somewhat lower and slightly separated from the other.

If you follow the vertebrae with your hand and notice that they are not in a straight line, that is a signal to go for a medical examination.

The asymmetry of the triangle of stature (empty space between the arms and the waist, which should be in the shape of a triangle, which are symmetrical if there is no deformation) can also be a warning sign.

It is necessary to check the symmetry of the rib arches when the child bends forward as if he wants to touch the feet with his hands. Any protrusion at the level of the ribs, especially one-sided, is an alarming sign for an urgent examination by an orthopedist or physiatrist.


Treatment of scoliosis

Targeted corrective exercises can be group or individual, exercises can consist of general postural exercises, strengthening weakened trunk muscles, stretching shortened muscles, breathing exercises.

  1. Hydrotherapy , exercises in the pool, is good if there are conditions for the child to swim backstroke first of all, with professional supervision.
  2. Electrostimulation
  3. Thermotherapy
  4. Mider application , mider is worn continuously, day and night, removed only when bathing, regular inspections are carried out.


kifoza Kyphosis or hump is an increased curvature of the spine in the chest, but can also occur in other parts of the spine. It is especially noticeable in the sitting position and is followed by the bending of the shoulders forward. It is often a consequence of sudden growth as well as irregular sitting in children who have weak abdominal and back muscles.

A hunched back is the most noticeable sign, the head is moved forward, the shoulders also with the chest retracted. The abdomen is relaxed and bulging and the shoulder blades are separated from the back. The knees are slightly bent and moved forward, and all this is usually accompanied by some of the deformities of the feet. At least once a month, and if the problem already exists, the child should be looked at carefully every week. A good way to check the position of the spine is to lean your back against the wall. If the child cannot lean against the wall with his whole back, it means that it is not just a matter of poor posture, but it is a deformity of the spine called kyphosis.

Treatment of kyphosis

The goal of treatment is to stop the further progression of the deformity, which can seriously endanger the work of the internal organs located in the chest, primarily the heart and lungs. The consequences can be reduced lung capacity, which leads to difficulty breathing during exertion and the appearance of various disturbances in the normal functioning of this vital organ. The heart also suffers certain consequences by changing the shape of the chest.

In addition to targeted corrective exercises, posture correction is extremely important in the successful treatment of kyphosis and kyphotic poor posture. By adopting the correct posture, we permanently maintain the successfully corrected deformity. The therapy is mostly aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and back muscles.



Lordosis or lordotic poor posture can be recognized by the strongly emphasized lumbar curve (cross) of the spine, the way forward and the relaxed abdominal muscles. This spinal deformity is often found in obese children, but it is not uncommon to lose weight where we have an unexpectedly large abdomen, which is actually a relaxed abdominal muscles. a position that is compensated by a pronounced curvature in the lumbar spine. When we look at the child from the side (from the profile), we will notice a big belly, even in extremely thin children, who are in fact very weakened and stretched abdominal muscles. Although it is not considered a serious deformity in children and is often not treated, and in obese children it goes unnoticed, due to impaired statics of the whole body in adulthood, it is a “weak point” where pain and degenerative diseases occur. Flat feet are also a significant cause for the development of lordosis.

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Treatment of lordosis

Treatment for lordosis will depend on the severity of the curvature and the presence of other symptoms. Treatment options include:

  1. Strengthening the abdominal muscles,
  2. In case of bone deformities, kinesitherapy is combined with orthopedic and orthotic means,
  3. Stretching the back of the thighs

Prevention of spinal deformities

After all, it all comes down to the fact that it is better to prevent deformity than to get it. Fighting these deformities can be difficult, most often because it is difficult to motivate children to be persistent and responsible with the exercises that are necessary for healing. Therefore, it is up to the parents to pay attention to how the development of their child’s posture progresses. At least once a month you should perform a visual inspection of your child, and on suspicion of any irregularities related to the child’s attitude, take him to a physiatrist who will assess attitude and find the cause of poor posture.

With the fact that the era of computers and technology, mobile phones and similar devices has come, children are very susceptible to their influence and know how to spend time uncontrollably long with these devices. The last thing they think at that moment is how they sit, in what position the neck is while looking at the screen and whether it is good for them. It is the duty of parents to restrict children’s access to all this, because it is the first step towards the development of spinal deformities. The screen is visually impaired, with poor eyesight children who go to school sit incorrectly and are bent while looking at their notebooks, add too heavy bags whose weight, in proportion to the weight of the child, is not even close to the predicted. We will also take into account the sudden growth of children, the period of puberty where sometimes the growth of bones cannot be accompanied by muscles, their relaxation occurs and, taking the muscles of the spine as an example, they are not able to maintain normal posture.

The child’s attention and activities should be turned to sports (swimming, basketball and volleyball are the most recommended), which will direct the development of the spine in the right direction.

Not insignificant is the sight of children, which must be controlled. Short-sighted children usually get spinal deformities as a result of the position they have to take in order to see something.

Special attention should be paid to the feet of children, to how they walk, whether their knees and, consequently, their spine are twisted as a result. The sooner you notice that, the better the results when you start with the correction.

Take care of your children, take care of them and pay attention to their development while they are small and spare yourself the later torments, costs and stress due to problems that may arise !


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